Eric Gott

Family Fort Devotional

Below is a family devotional idea for you to use this week. Text a picture of your family fort to Eric! We hope you enjoy this devotional time together. Play: Build a pillow and blanket fort together as a family. Make it big enough for the whole family. Gather snacks...

Memorizing Scripture

Our foster children have lived with us for two and a half months and during our time together my favorite thing is to hear them randomly sing worship and praise songs all on their own. We listen to several different worship playlists together and many are geared...

Bedtime Prayers

Pillows. Windows. Machines that turn on. Knees. Narwhals. Beds. Clothes. Dogs. Tacos. Baths. Bicycles. Sidewalk chalk. Eyes. Playing. Food. Blankets. Dinosaur. Scooters. This is the list our kiddos provided last night when we asked them what they were thankful for as...

Family Devotional Time

Over the past few weeks at home I have been looking for ways to implement more Bible time into our daily schedule. Usually our family does a nightly devo at bedtime with the children where we read a section out of a children’s Bible and then review the story with them...

This Is The Day

Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. How are you using your time each day? The past several days have felt repetitive, but there have also been small moments of pure joy. Our kids are coming to understand that school...

Hold On or Let Go

Several weeks ago Leah and I were enjoying a snack with our kiddos and we asked our little boy to pick up all the trash and throw it away once we finished eating. Our little boy stopped and picked up all the pieces of trash, approximately 8 to 10 pieces. However,...

Helping Kids During a Crisis

Over the weekend as we watched the news unfold concerning the spread of the Coronavirus I began thinking of ways we could be helping our children navigate this time of major change. Below are a few trauma-informed thoughts: Remember stress weakens your immune system....

When Love Hurts

On Saturday I bought a suitcase. I bought a suitcase and I came home and held our foster baby and sobbed. Only a few days ago we learned that today our foster girl would likely be moving to live with a relative. This was news that had not been shared with us until...

Count Your Blessings

A few days ago I posted a photo on Facebook of a small jar full of paper that Leah and I used to write down moments of joy we experienced in 2019.       Because we enjoyed this project so much we decided to continue our tradition in 2020, and have now begun to focus...

Look for the Helpers

Have you ever had a day that did not go according to plan? Or maybe even an entire weekend? This past Sunday, I woke up feeling sick and running a high fever. On many days that would not be too terrible, but this past Sunday was a full day of church events. The...


Who went and bought groceries last Monday night when the Weather Channel and local news stations forecasted a chance of snow? As soon as the weatherman mentioned a chance of snow many of us likely ran to purchase the essentials… milk and bread. Although I have deep...

Molder of Dreams

Each year Riverchase honors the school teachers that spend time teaching our children. We hold our annual Molder of Dreams Banquet for all children in kindergarten through sixth grade. This past Sunday morning invitations for the Molder of Dreams Banquet and an...

God, The Creator

Many of you know that one of my biggest passions is art and oil painting. For me there is something exciting to build a large canvas, prime it, and prepare to begin a new painting. Starting with nothing but wood, canvas, and paint, an artist can turn the canvas into...

Simple Truths

On January 1st I stumbled upon this poster by Little Truths Studio and thought the simple illustrations spoke to how I want to spend my new year. It is common for many of us to choose to set a new year’s resolution (lose weight, eat healthy, declutter, etc.), but what...


Trick or Treating is over, lots of sweets and candies have been eaten, and now we are entering one of my favorite times of the year. November is often associated with thankfulness and gratitude as we prepare for Thanksgiving at the end of the month. I love the idea of...

Bible Class

Our Fall quarter is quickly approaching and Bible class teachers are in preparation to begin teaching our children’s classes. We appreciate the time and energy each of our teachers will put into preparing lessons for our kids! When I was working with children as a...

School Routine

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall...

Welcome Eric and Leah Gott

Hello! Leah and I are so excited to be joining the Riverchase children’s ministry and are eager to begin working with you all. We are overwhelmed with the love and support you have shown us as we transition into our new job and have appreciated the meals you have...

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