Eric Gott

Changing Seasons

I need spring to come and winter to end. Honestly, this has been a constant thought in my mind since mid-January following a series of unfortunate events: a trip to the ER, an ablation scheduled, missing a conference due to heart issues, waiting for the ablation,...

Permission to Wonder

In the 6th grade classroom there is a large metal envelope hanging on a bulletin board, and the students know that during bible class, anytime they have a Bible / religious question pop in their mind (whether related to the topic of class, or not), they can go and...

Kidmin 101

This past Sunday night, I shared five core values that our Children’s Ministry is founded on. These values are what helps keep each event, activity, and class in line with our overall mission. The core values are: 1. Know: Our children will learn to know God and the...

The Hope Chest

In 1957, my grandfather was in high school shop class, and he built my grandmother a hope chest. They were high school sweethearts and were married in August following their graduation in May. The hope chest, made from cedar, now sits in my parents living room where...

Reflections on Summer

As the summer comes to an end, I enjoy reflecting on the special times we had in the children’s ministry. Our summer was packed full with events, service projects, and Bible lessons. At our annual Back to School Bash, the children and I discussed how looking back on...

New, Year, New Opportunities

At the beginning of each new year it is common for many people to set resolutions and goals with the hope of having a more productive year. This year one resolution I made was to find small moments each week for Leah and I to do something fun together. This could be...

KidMin: Year in Review

Over the past week I have been reflecting on the past year and the ups and downs that we have faced as a family. 2021 has been a challenging year overall, yet there have been great moments of joy too. Below are some of the my highlights from the children’s ministry...

Paper Giants

On Sunday night, I tucked our son into bed and noticed that he seemed unusually fearful of falling asleep. I asked him what was on his mind, and he shared, "I'm afraid of the giants." I could not help but laugh (not the best response because I knew what was on his...

Daddy Can We Hug Now?

Over the last two weeks, the Gott family battled Covid-19. Thankfully, we are all better and back at work and school. When I became sick, Leah and I quickly explained to the older kids how they would need to keep their distance from me, and that I would be quarantined...

This Is How We Overcome

When Leah and I were in college, there was a song often led in chapel called “This is How We Overcome.” The song’s chorus repeats itself again and again, and the tempo is more upbeat, which had always made me smile while singing it. The song has taken on a new meaning...

Choose Joy

In the hallway of our apartment there is a sign hanging on the wall that reads, “Choose Joy.” It’s a simple reminder for our family to look for joy, even when our week is busy or life feels slightly out of control. If you are like me, then you often can get caught up...

A New Year

For me, the days between Christmas and New Years always feel like time stands still. It’s a time when Leah and I reflect on the past year and focus on our hopes and goals for the new year. I have never been one to make New Year Resolutions mainly due to lack of...


I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praises to your name, O Most High. Psalm 9: 1-2 Each December, as the year comes to an end, I typically spend time reflecting...

A Big Thank You

Last week Leah and I received a phone call asking us to take in twin siblings, a boy and a girl. We immediately said yes, cut our Thanksgiving trip short, and returned home to purchase a van so that our family - now of six - could all ride together. It was not until...

Importance of Bible Class

If your family is anything like mine, then you have been adjusting to a new schedule since school has started back. Every night we are finishing homework, coming home from afternoon activities, eating dinner, and squeezing in a few minutes of family time. However, one...

Starting School

School is starting back and for the first time, Leah and I are also preparing for our little girl to begin kindergarten. This is a time that is often filled with such strong emotions - sadness that our kid is old enough to begin school, excitement for all the things...

Back to School Splash Bash

Since we were not able to have the Summer Bash with the big water slides, we are bringing even bigger ones to the Back to School Bash! We are so excited to have a 27 ft and a 15 ft water slide plus a dunk tank so you can race your friends and dunk Mr. Eric. Join us...

Stay Connected

This past weekend Leah and I took our kids to visit both sides of our family. We were able to attend our niece’s birthday party and then spent time visiting my family where we enjoyed swimming with those cousins. Over the weekend it was exciting to watch our kids meet...

Family Devotional: Kindness

Over the past several weeks we have seen our country become polarized over the pandemic and wearing masks in public. No matter what your personal position is on Covid-19 remember our children are watching how you behave and are listening to the words you say. Choosing...

Summer Activities Cancelled

All Children’s Ministry July activities are cancelled at this time. This includes the Oak Mountain Boys’ Night, our July Service Project, and the Princess Party. As badly as we want to host these events, we also want to maintain the health of our families and believe...

Recent Sermons