Do You Trust Me?

Do You Trust Me?

I’ve been trimming shrubs. I must say, I think I’m becoming quite proficient at it. (For Lindsay and Terry and others like them, that means “quite good” at it). As I was trimming recently, I noticed that I had established a pretty good rhythm and could trim the shrub...
A Father’s Advice

A Father’s Advice

1 Peter 3: 7 You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered. 8 To sum up, all of you be...
Recipe of Awesomeness

Recipe of Awesomeness

The other night, we dusted off the container of heaven and made what I love more than anything on this earth (other than my wife and family)…homemade ice cream. The only problem was that Whitney sent me to the grocery store, recipe in hand, to find all the...
“Nightmare Choices”

“Nightmare Choices”

“Nightmare Choices” is the title of an article written by LaGard Smith on Facebook. It is an appropriate title as he writes “about the battle of lives versus livelihoods as we begin the process of reopening society.” He closes the article with these words: “Wouldn’t...
Family Fort Devotional

Family Fort Devotional

Below is a family devotional idea for you to use this week. Text a picture of your family fort to Eric! We hope you enjoy this devotional time together. Play: Build a pillow and blanket fort together as a family. Make it big enough for the whole family. Gather snacks...