The Family Ministry encompasses a variety of ministries united in serving the diverse needs of our church family.
At its core, it’s about being a family — our entire congregation —that cares for one another.
We are committed to the spiritual and physical and emotional well-being of every Riverchase member, striving to meet these needs through thoughtful and intentional ministry.
In addition to our Bible classes on Sundays and Wednesdays, this group is seen gathering at various places for fun and fellowship. We encourage you to check out the calendar for any upcoming events. However, our ministry is more than a worship service, an organization, or a calendar of events. We are a family, brothers and sisters in Christ encouraging and challenging each other to know God, and make Him known.
At Riverchase, you will find many opportunities to continue and improve your walk with Jesus.
Our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening Bible classes appeal to the needs of members regardless of what life stage they are in. The topics of study may vary from a specific book within the Bible or conversations around a relevant issue. Our teachers are knowledgeable in the word of God and well prepared to contribute to your spiritual growth.
Outside of our routinely scheduled Bible classes, you can find many other regularly scheduled Bible studies throughout the week. Multiple mens and womens groups meet throughout the week for times of study in smaller groups.
In addition to those opportunities, any of our ministers, shepherds and others are available to study God’s Word with you at your convenience.
We have various ministry efforts dedicated to meeting the physical needs of our members as they arise.
Whether it’s the Angel Food Ministry, which delivers meals and devotional materials to our shut-ins and their caregivers, or the Family Services Ministry, offering assistance with moving, yard work, and other home projects, we are here to support one another through every season of life.
We are also deeply committed to supporting the emotional well-being of our members by fostering a strong sense of belonging.
Through fellowship opportunities like our 5th Sunday gatherings, affinity groups, and joint service projects, we provide spaces for meaningful connection and shared purpose.
Additionally, our shepherds take their pastoral care role very seriously, offering guidance, support, and a listening ear to ensure that no one in our church family feels alone in their journey.
Together, we walk through life’s challenges and celebrations as one body, grounded in love and care for each other.
“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.”